Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week 3

Reading "The Color Purple" and "Let Your Life Speak" changed the way I think about God.

"Let Your Life Speak"enforced God to me. I come from an uncertain religious background. Religion wasn't discussed in my house growing up, it was much more inflicted in our dinner conversations. Through time and living in the US, I have grasped the concept that God is someone who lives in the sky, heaven to be exact, that watches over certain people's behaviors. God only exists if you believe he/she exists. God is one that shares love and on page 50 states "The God I know..." meaning that "God" is different for each individual. For me, I agree that there is a higher power but I cannot place the name "God" on this person/thing/object that we are all destined to pay our respects to.

This idea was enforced even more when in "The Color Purple" Celie is in confusion of who God really is. When her sister asks Celie to describe to her what God looks like, she is uncertain. This makes complete sense to me because to me, everyone's "God" is different. Though a group may participate in religious activities but when asked to describe who God is, I think that everyone will have a different response and that is completely normal.

I don't know who God is, I don't have enough background to make any judgements. But I do believe in a higher power, one who or that we are placed on this earth to serve. It may perhaps be our ancestors or the souls of our future children, grandchildren and so on-- I don't know. But the structure of "God" doesn't have an exact definition and I like that.

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